Well everyone likes to stand out n b considered unique in every sense of the word. Well there are certain things tht certainly no one would lik to fall in tht category with regard to certain matters.Confusion has to b 1 of thm, 9 out of 10 wil need to flip a coin whn they are confused to the core and the 10th wil need a DICE!!!IF ever anything was invented for me thn it has to b the dice. (dont think i wud b able to put my situation into perspective widout the DICE) I wud nt evn b sure abt it evn thn n probably roll in half a dozen more times b4 i finally bak my instincts!!! or so to say go with ur heart(wondering whthr my heart cn beat my brains at a game of chess!).
If only the problem was as simple as this but then oh no but nothing seems simple or does it?
There are times when the mind has a single line of thinking(dont evn need a silly coin to reach my conclusion) and then it wonders why are u soo clear abt things!!! ,lets follow our traditional method and look for the dice!!As if wanting to prove that it is smart enuf to store more info than u can imagine .
THE times when a lack of clear thought fucked u bad and all u could do was regret over it and Yes there were times when u backed ur instincts and felt lik a loser whn it backfired n then a voice comes from within not to mess around without its permission.CON-FUSION is probably the word (nt confusion and this I m pretty sure abt:)....)tht I m subjected to,time n agn more often thn anyone else evr has...At times it seems tht my mind is nt lik a CPU but just the single largest xtndd hard-disk made evr...Evn with all these pitfalls my mind(most times) rules ovr every bloody thing I do (I definitely hav one of the smartest of these available in the mkt:P)....
So next time I dont say a thing just get tht I probably hav atleast a half a dozen things to say n get my pt.......:)
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